I've decided that I'd keep an online diary sort of thing, just to do something. Plus, my memory's a bit gone after a week or so. I've never been very good at keeping journals- let me down big time in my Senior English class- but I'm going to give it a shot. As this is going to be seen by anyone who asks (if they ask, that is) I reckon a (very) short bit of my history here wouldn't be a bad idea, huh? Uhm... where to begin? Well, I enrolled in Deckleswood School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and my first day was Day 11 of the Year of May03. I was originally sorted into Sapphirelake house, but for some reason, when it came time for me to start, I was placed into Onyxshadow house. Not that I'm complaining, but I would like to know why it is that I'm in Onyxshadow now. Apparently, it's not the ONLY time that the Sorting Boots have announced that a student was in one class, then placed them in another. Very puzzling. I enjoy being in Onyxshadow, and have already earned us something like 50 points this year. I earned us 70 last year, and I want to earn us more this year, and more next year than I will this year. I have NO idea how I'm gonna do that though. But hey, I always loved a challenge. I've decided that I want my Illusionary Learner's Licence, so once I earn about 30 Galleons I'm going to ask Minister Greg Maguire about getting one. I know it only costs about 5 Galleons, but I want to reward myself if I pass the test, and I'm going to buy as many chocolate frogs as I can as a reward. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't pass the test. Probably keep earning money until I get 60 Galleons and try again. That wouldn't be a bad idea, actually... All Potions homeworks were to be handed in today, at the latest (I handed mine in the day I got it), so I'll be attending my next class tomorrow, probably. I've been looking forward to it all week, as I've been getting bored. Doing well in the class apparently helps count towards House Points for the year, so I want to do really well. I'm afraid that I wouldn't, but that fear is what gives me the determination to do my best. If I was to get an A in Potions this year, that would give me 150 'points', which is the amount that is needed to pass Second Year. I don't know if I WANT to pass First AND Second year in one hit. I don't think I'm going to worry about it too much, though. The marking's out of my hands. I can only do my best. I've been looking through the job advertisements (to try and find out what I want to do once I graduate from Deckleswood so I could attend the appropriate courses), but I haven't found any ONE job that I would like to enter just yet. I read in The Midnight Sky that there is an Adoption Agency that will be opening soon for all the First to Third Year students who are interested in being adopted, or for those Qualified Witches and Wizards who want to adopt. Now, while I would never use such a facility myself, it might be a good place for me to work. For ANYONE to work, really. Or perhaps I would do well as a person who cares for Magical Creatures. I really don't know. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about that just yet. I'll just have to wait.
I can't believe it. It seems as if I can barely spend five minutes in the Great Hall without somehow earning some more house points for Onyxshadow. We're now even with Emeraldpeak on 295 points. I feel sorta special, knowing that I've contributed 60 points to our grand total. But at the same time, I feel sort of embarrassed. I really do, and I don't know why. Some of the points that were given to me were just for helping out another student. I didn't do that for points! I did that because knowledge should be shared. Or there was the 10 points I got for the banner. I already received 25 points for that last year, and I was quite happy to not have any points for the improvement of it. Honestly, I wasn't expecting any points for that whatsoever. On the up side, I talked with Minister Greg Maguire in regards to obtaining an Illusionary Learner's Licence, and he said it is amazingly simple. I now have 17 Galleons, 56 Sickles and 93 Knuts, so I'm over half-way to getting my 30 Galleons. Minister Maguire seems to think I won't have to go the extra 30 Galleons, that I'll pass the first test no worries. I hope so. I've got this humungous urge to go and buy chocolate frogs, but I'm going to stick to my resolution. (A serious case of self-torture, I think.) I think I may take up Muggle Studies next year, as well as Potions. From what some of the other students say, Professor Myndon Irongrip is good, and his lessons are fun. Some people also say the same about Professor Megan Wicca's Astronomy lessons, but I don't know if I'd be any good at Astronomy. I haven't attended my next Potions lesson, but I've been told that it's tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to it. I should probably go to bed and get some sleep now, so that I'm fresh and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my next Potions lesson.
Today was a very mad day in the Great Hall, due to Professor Megan Wicca's Astronomy class having a practical assignment. It was all fun, and I'd give almost anything to see Morgan act like a House Elf again. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary today, except not earn any house points. We HAD earned five points (putting us above Emeraldpeak) but then we lost five later. Shame. Not that it matters, though. There is a trivia later tonight and one of our Fourth Years (Wesley Lawrence) will be attending. Apparently he's our Trivia champion, and if he's attending, we're guaranteed some good points. Better than if I was to attend. Professor Megan Wicca is getting weirder as time goes on. Today she put me in a boiling pot and started to cook me. I have absolutely no idea why. Nobody came to my rescue, either. I had to crawl out of the pot while Professor Wicca wasn't looking! I'm being very careful around her now. I didn't see Minister Striker Gargamath today, but as it WAS a Saturday, he could very well be attending to... other duties. Which is a shame, really, because I wanted to ask him a few questions. I had 18 Galleons, 57 Sickles and 120 Knuts when I went into the Great Hall today. I think that I'll have enough to go for my Illusionary Learner's Licence in the next couple of days. Fortunately for me that Minister Greg Maguire is usually around the same time I am, so it should be rather easy to arrange the test time. I still have yet to receive notification that I have to attend a Potions lesson. I'm getting rather impatient now, as I'm also getting quite bored. I may soon start drawing again, which is not a good thing as I am a very bad artist. Hopefully, I'll have been summoned to a Potions lesson tomorrow. I'm going to have to write a letter to Mother shortly, as it has been some time since my last letter. I hope she is doing well, and is in a position to write back. I really do miss her at times.
For the first time this year, Onyxshadow is in the lead! We're still celebrating that little fact in the Great Hall at the moment. If we can keep this lead, even improve on it, I firmly believe we will show the other houses that Onyxshadow truly rules! I think Professor Wicca wants to show Professor Christopher Tepperweed that Emeraldpeak doesn't have a chance against us Panthers! He he! I've written a letter to Mother, and I will give it to Sparky for her to take it to Decklesby to be posted off to her by the Muggle means. I'll copy it here, just so I don't write the same stuff in my next letter to her: Dear Mother, Life at Deckleswood is pretty good. I was sorted into Onyxshadow House, which is supposedly the "Sly and Ambitious" house. As suspected, I am older than most of the other First Years; older than the vast majority of the student body, actually. It doesn't matter much, though, because we're all at the same learning level. I think the worst part is trying to control my temper and my profanity, but I always knew that was where I was going to have the problems. I am receiving a scholarship from Gringotts Wizard bank, so don't worry about sending me any money. I am going to go for an Illusionary Learner's Licence in the next few days, which will allow me to enter the Hall of Illusions here. Anyone can apply for it, it appears, and so I thought I may as well. The person who administers the test is a Minister of Magic, but he's a pretty good bloke. He reckons that it's going to be a breeze, and I'm inclined to trust his judgement. Most of the Professors here are pretty good, although I have to wonder about the sanity of one or two of them. The Headmistress is GREAT! She allows us all to call her by her first name, and treats us all well. She is one of those few who will risk their own life for those in their care (and, in fact, she HAS risked her life to protect the students and staff at Deckleswood). I haven't been allowed anywhere near dragons yet, although after dealing with some of the students here, I would much rather fight a dragon. Instead, I've taken up Potions classes, under the tutelage of our Deputy Headmaster, Professor Tepperweed. He's another OK fellow, but he is biased towards one of the other houses. The Head of my house is great, and isn't afraid to give Professor Tepperweed a bit of a ragging every now and again. I've done a bit of investigating, and the best way for you to write back to me is to address it to a Ms. S. Stone, care of Decklesby Post Office. I don't know the post code. "Ms. S. Stone" is actually one of the House Elves here at the school who has been instructed to assist me in my time at Deckleswood. Her name is Sparky. I'm not allowed to go into Decklesby, but Sparky will go down and check to see if you've written back for me, that's why I ask that you address it to Ms S. Stone. And don't go calling her Sharon, either! I know your sense of humour! I haven't heard from Jimmy yet, I hope he is well. Father, of course, has not written, but I do not expect him to. I firmly believe that he no longer believes that I exist, and, quite franky, it doesn't bother me much any more. Well, Sparky's here to take this to the Post Office, so I'll sign off. I love you lots, and I hope that you write back soon. Well, Sparky's just taken that off to Decklesby, with strict instructions to add Decklesby's Post Office's address in the envelope. I'm starting to get a bit hungry. I wonder what's for dinner...
I know that it's been a few days since I last wrote in this, but I have been amazingly busy on my last Potions assignment. Fortunately, I've just managed to finish it. I'm not amazingly impressed with it, but I did do a fair amount of research on it and learned a few new things, so Professor Tepperweed can't ask for much more than that, can he? If he wanted more, he should have given us an easier assignment. Ha! Onyxshadow is still in the lead, although Emeraldpeak are slowly creeping up on us. I'm very happy with the fact that I haven't lost us any points by now, but I have not earned us as many points this year as I did last year. I'm not bothered much. Anything above zero is a bonus. I sent an quick note to Minister Maguire about how I felt I was ready to take the Illusionary Learner's Licence test, but I have not heard back from him. Oh well. I also haven't heard back from Mother, but that does not surprise me as it would take the Muggle postal system a few days. Oh well. I'm going to the Great Hall to celebrate me finishing my hardest assignment yet.
This is probably the worst part of the Year. Waiting for the results of my class. I really do hope I passed well enough to get into Advanced Potions. I wonder how many subjects a Second Year student is allowed to take. I know that the credit for getting an "A" in my class is enough to allow me to enter Third Year, but I very much doubt that Professor Tepperweed will give me an "A". I don't think it was worth that much, and there is that Onyxshadow/Emeraldpeak thing. Onyxshadow is still in the lead, and I'm very happy to say that I've earned 65 points for us. I've probably gotten some good points for the Midnight Sky competitions as well, but until the next Midnight Sky is published, I don't know how much. I'm still amazed at some of the reasons WHY I was given some points. But hey, we're in front, I shouldn't be complaining. Believe it or not, it was actually Professor Tepperweed that gave me the last 5. He wasn't very popular with some of the Emeraldpeak students in the Great Hall at the time ("Oh, Chris, they're ALREADY in front of us! Don't give them any more!") I've decided that as soon as I'm able, I'm going to sign up for Care of Magical Creatures classes. I still have no idea what I'm going to do once I graduate, but that's a bridge I'll have to burn when I get there. I'm going to send Sparky down to Decklesby tomorrow to see if there is a letter there from Mother. It has been some time now, and I'm starting to get worried.
There are two major pieces of news that I want to write in here today. The first part happened yesterday afternoon, and the second part happened in the last half hour. Yesterday, the Library had been updated to include listings of job qualifications and descriptions. I was discussing this in the Great Hall. I had said that I would like to see how I would go as a Minister for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Professor Tepperweed was in the Great Hall at the time and asked if I had considered a career as a Professor of Alchemy. I admitted that I had not considered myself able for such a role. Professor Tepperweed seemed to think, however, that I would do well in such a role. At the time, I thought he was quite mad. Although, after having time to think it over, it is a possibility. Professor Mark Spark seemed quite interested in pushing me towards the Ministry job, though. Anyway, I wondered why Professor Tepperweed would think that I would do well as a Professor of Alchemy- especially as I am an Onyxshadow student. However, all was revealed today when the Class Grades were handed out. Not only did I pass Potions, I was the "Potions Master" for the year! That is a HUGE surprise for me, as I didn't think that I would get that high a grade. I didn't even dare to dream that I would get an 'Acceptable' grade for it, and here I am with an astounding "Outstanding" mark. I will have to write to Mother soon, even if I don't get a letter from her soon. At least now I have TWO career goals to work towards, and knowing those goals, I can plan my education accordingly. I will probably take Potions again, although if I was to try for the Professor of Alchemy, I will need to take Alchemy in my Seventh Year, despite the fact that Potions is more advanced than Alchemy. I can't wait until I'm in Third Year, though, so I can take Care of Magical Creatures. So, so far, my list of possible classes for this year include Potions, Occlumancy or Legimency (or both), and perhaps something like Muggle Studies. Needless to say, this is going to be a fun year. Oh, I didn't mention, Onyxshadow won the house cup for last year. And we're gonna win it this year too!
I've signed up for seven classes this year, despite the fact that due to my good grade last year, I don't REALLY need to sign up for any classes. I signed up for Arithmancy (taught by Professor Suos Spark), Astronomy (Megan!), History of Magic (Headmistress Lil Gargamath), Legilimency (Headmistress Gargamath), Muggle Studies (Professor Myndon Irongrip), Occlumency (Headmistress Gargamath) and Potions (Professor Tepperweed). It will hopefully keep me busy. Sparky has been down in Decklesby every day now, but still no letter from Mother. I will write one tomorrow, providing I do not have to do anything else. I have been wondering where it is that I got my 'magicalness', as both Mother and Father are Muggles, and as are their parents, and theirs, and as far as I could research. Everyone in my family lines are Muggles. Perhaps, just perhaps, I'm one of those 'misplaced' babies.. It does happen sometimes. I have drawn up a personal savings and rewards system for my account at Gringotts bank. When I have 100 Galleons saved, I'm going to reward myself by buying a chocolate frog. It's murder, really, because it has been ages since I had a chocolate frog. When I get 150 Galleons saved, I'm going to buy TWO chocolate frogs. Another thing that will earn a reward is school grades. For each 'Outstanding' grade I earn, I will reward myself with 2 chocolate frogs, and for each "Exceeds Expectations" grade I will get one chocolate frog. The original draft allowed me to have three chocolate frogs for an 'Outstanding', two for 'Exceeds Expectations' and one for 'Acceptable', but I will probably get a lot of "Acceptable" grades, which isn't what I want. This way, I will be inspired to get the higher grades. And, of course, I will reward myself with five chocolate frogs when I pass my Hall of Illusions Learner's test. Minister Quentus Kilch is now the Minister for Games and Sports, and he is aware that I wish to apply for this test. He said he'll get around to it as soon as possible. I hope it's not too soon, as I am nearly at my 100 Galleon goalpoint. Well, I had better stop scribbling in here so I can prepare my files for all the homework I'm going to get. It's going to be GREAT!
Day 13, Year of June03: (Later)
Day 14, Year of June03: (1830 hrs)
Day 16, Year of June03: (1454 hrs)
Day 20, Year of June03: (1452 hrs)
Day 24, Year of June03: (1640 hrs)
Day 26, Year of June03: (1552 hrs)
Day 01, Year of July03: (1632 hrs)